
20 Imported (China) Mixed Pink Roses Bouquet

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This bunch of  20 Imported Mixed Pink Roses Bouquets full of sweet sentiment for your favorite person. Classic pink roses come together in a wrapped bunch to make any room feel beautiful and light. From special birthdays to simply just because, this arrangement is a stunning gift to give your loved ones for every occasion. Order online now.

OFFERS DELIVERY IN Caloocan, Makati, Manila, Mandaluyong, Muntinlupa, Malabon, Marikina, Navotas, Las PInas, Pasig, Pasay, Paranaque, Pateros, Quezon City, San Juan, Taguig and Valenzuela

Add-On Items


Stuffed Toy





Substitutions may be necessary to ensure your arrangement or specialty gift is delivered in a timely manner. The utmost care and attention is given to your order to ensure that it is as similar as possible to the requested item. Specialty gifts may be substituted with another specialty gift of equal or greater value and of similar theme and category in case the requested product is not available.